Wi-Fi Enabled Bus Shelters in San Francisco


An interesting bit of news came out of our San Francisico division this week. Clear Channel Outdoor has built a network of 20 transit shelters, which double as Wi-Fi hotspots. In addition to displaying an advertising message on the shelter's static banners, sponsors will be positioned as the provider of free internet service, which will be accessible within 30 feet of the shelter.

The scenario would work something like this: as you approach the transit shelter which has been branded with the sponsor's logo, your cell phone or internet enabled device will pick up free service from the wireless box inside the shelter. When you open up your browser, you'll be directed to the sponsor's web page before continuing with your internet session.

I love the idea of positioning your brand as the "Free Wi-Fi Provider." It's a great way to pair your marketing with a service that's genuinely valuable to the consumer. Additionally, by combining the shelter ad with the redirect to your home page, it creates an immersive experience for the customer.

You can watch an awesome video demonstration of a client using this technology here.


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