Go BIG For Valentine's Day!

The first batch of personal ads to be displayed via the new CreateYourBillboard.com website will be this Sunday for Valentine's Day. We are taking orders now, and there is a limited amount of space on each of the boards. Just go to the website, select the board that is on your loved one's commute, and type in your message. Spots start at just $50 and you can pay online with any major credit card!

Introducing: CreateYourBillboard.com

Back in August, we started broadcasting a live Twitter feed to our digital billboard network to demonstrate the flexibility of our brand new medium. The campaign generated a lot of attention from the community and from the media. The idea was to generate interest so that people would buy ad space on the billboards.

After a while, I started receiving calls from people who wanted to pay me to post specific tweets. A marketing assistant from a charitable organization requested that I post about their upcoming food drive. The owner of a small gift shop asked that I tweet her contact information. One woman even asked if I would congratulate her son on his college graduation.

All of this got me thinking... What if we could dip into a previously untapped market to generate revenue from unsold digital space? I quickly started drawing out the beginnings of a website where visitors could post a simple, text-based message on the digital billboard of their choice. We created a price point that would be appealing to most anyone, between $50 and $200, and put together a simple billboard template that features the only message and the headline "CreateYourBillboard.com," so the board is it's own call-to-action.

We are dipping into a whole new category of business, and why not? After all, we have one of the most flexible and effective advertising mediums in the world. Our competition? Classified ads, stick signs, greeting card companies and those people who dance with signs on the side of the road. Why would you want this when you can have this? Slots are available now. Buy one to tell your loved one how you feel on a 672 square foot canvas this Valentines Day!