'Going Google' campaign is going with billboards


Google's decision to employ billboards as a key part of their marketing campaign for their "Google Apps" program, makes a strong case for the value of outdoor advertising. After all, when the most powerful brand in the world does something, people pay attention.

Some experts applaud Google's use of billboards as a strategic way to "get a bigger bang using fewer bucks." Others insist that Google should have employed digital billboards, since the signs will sport a new message each day. Personally, I'm just excited to learn that the search giant is taking advantage of one of the few remaining mass mediums. Billboards are too often unfairly dismissed as being antiquated relics of the past. The reality is that outdoor advertising is positioned nicely to benefit from the growing fragmentation of most other mediums.

I'm a huge advocate for digital signage. But, the power of outdoor advertising is in its ability to cut through the clutter and reach a captive audience. And regardless of whether it's displayed by an LED screen or on a printed vinyl, putting your message on a billboard offers a cost effective way to ensure that you stand out from the crowd.


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