Billboards Powered by Twitter

Everyone is talking about Twitter these days. Lots of companies see the value in using the site to inform their customers about breaking news, special offers, etc. I did a quick search and found that many local advertisers using Twitter are broadcasting their updates to 300 or 400 followers.

Here's a thought- what if you could go beyond the relatively small crowd of internet-savy Twitter users, and broadcast your updates to over 500,000 people each day? Digital billboards have the ability to display content from the web, automatically updating the headline on the billboard when it changes on the website. So, any Twitter account could be linked and broadcast via the digital boards. Essentially, this would give advertisers the power to change their message from anywhere, at any time, from their PC or even from a mobile phone.

In tough economic times, businesses must adapt early and change often. It's important to have a means of keeping current and potential customers aware of these changes and excited about your brand. Online advertising can achieve this, but reaches a limited audience, whereas digital outdoor takes that flexibility to a mass market level.

Click the links below to see how local businesses are currently using Twitter for marketing:

Lowry Park Zoo
Creative Loafing
Tampa Bay Rays
USF Football
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Tampa Bay Lightning


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