Absolute Transparency

We love new technology, but we don't always completely trust it. Fear of the unknown is a natural human instinct. We buy surge protectors, credit card insurance, and read consumer reports. We take comfort in the security of an extended warranty. It's understandable- we want to make sure that we get what we've paid for.

The benefits of digital outdoor should be enjoyed without the hassle of having to worry about your investment. That's why we've installed webcams on each of our digital billboards. The camera feeds are monitored 24/7 by a team in San Antonio, and a local service technician is deployed at the first sign of a problem. Any problems are corrected within 4 hours, ensuring that down time is kept to a minimum.

Now, we're taking our commitment to service excellence to a new level. All current advertisers will have the opportunity to view the webcams at their leisure. You'll be provided with a username and password that will grant you access for the length of your campaign. This will allow you to to view your ad as soon as it goes up, verify that any creative changes are made correctly, and make sure that your ad is never displayed back-to-back with a competing advertiser.

You can access the login page by clicking on the animated banner ad at the top of the page. It's our way of tearing down the wall between you and your digital campaign, so kick back, relax and enjoy the show!


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